The first time you use MORSIA you will be asked to enter your personal information and select your activity level, goal and preferred diet. Your personal calorie target will be calculated based on this information and a meal plan that suits your needs will be generated for you by the app after you select how many meals per day you would like it to include.
MORSIA offers three unique dietary options (standard-vegan-vegetarian) across which hundreds of meal options are available, including breakfast, main dishes and snacks. All these meals will be available to you in our recipe library.
To view and customise your meal plan, you will need to go to the "My Meals" tab.
Choose a week and day to see your meals and select a meal to review its nutritional information and recipe - you can adjust the number of servings as required. Tap 'switch' if you want to change a meal in your plan for another one. Browse our recipe library to find the meal that you want, adjust your calorie variant for this meal as required and hit 'switch' again to update your plan.
The app also gives you the option to add your own meal by uploading an image of it and inputting a custom meal title and macro breakdown, allowing you to track your progress towards your daily targets even if you're not using one of our recipes.
Tap the 'bin' icon on the top right to delete a meal from your plan completely. Scroll down and tap 'complete' to mark a meal as completed and update your progress towards your daily calorie target.